Wood from the trees and a really bad joke!

Jun 11, 2014 | Uncategorized

The Horse, the Cart and the Motor Car

Driving into work listening to a podcast of Peter Day’s World of Business (BBC) can be most enlightening.  Always some fascinating insight into how business works around the world.  This week’s episode was entitled ‘The Clash of Generations’.  Living with teenagers provides that experience almost every day. Within the programme a guest referred to the impact of change on businesses, the choice to adapt or ignore current trends.

For example, Google as a company is renowned for its have a go style, whilst the M&S difficulties are sometimes blamed on middle management inflexibility – a generational thing.

The guest made the point that, at the beginning of the 20th Century, it was possible to see both horses and carts and motor cars on the streets of London. Then, they basically did the same job, but not for long!

The challenge for businesses today is to embrace opportunities or face the real danger of being left behind.  Details of two events which may help are detailed below.

Raising Business Finance
Cash flow a bit tight?  Need money to expand?  This presentation by Graham Card will guide you through the finance options available to the small business. Whether traditional bank sources or different types of trade finance, Graham will explain the sources available and what works well in particular circumstances.

This event will take place on Wednesday 18th June at 6.00pm here at Rutland House.  To book a place call Jane on 020 8460 0543 or e-mail jane@grugeonreyolds.co.uk.


Write My Business Plan

Still not written your plan?  This workshop is designed to help you write your own plan for the business, looking forward five years to set the goals and milestones needed to meet your expectations.

Although simple in concept it will give you a benchmark to measure future performance.  Attendance is open to all and is part of the Accelerator Club programme.

The event will take place on the 25th June here at Rutland House starting at 10.00am prompt.  To reserve a place contact Jane as above.


Eventbrite – online ticketing system

This ticketing platform is great to help organise seminars and events.  Both of our upcoming events can be booked through Eventbrite.  There are no charges if the event being promoted has no admission fee.  This is particularly good for self help and community groups.  For more details go to www.eventbrite.co.uk.

And Finally……

The World Cup is almost here and a quick pudding recipe for sponge pudding can be found here:

Unusual in that it’s a microwave sponge.  With practice this could be knocked out at half time and available for celebration or commiseration at full time!  Not quite Mary Berry, more of Jam Rooney Poly.

Have a great World Cup, maybe see you at the presentation/workshops.

The Grugeon Reynolds Team