For most businesses, email remains a key method of both internal and external communication. However, there has been a significant rise in the popularity of instant messaging. So what does this mean for you and your business?
Most of us receive far too many emails. In response, some businesses have begun to move to instant messaging as a means of internal communication.
Instant messaging apps work well for casual, brief communication between employees and departments across a business. However, email is likely to remain as the key way to communicate with customers in a business context.
Instant messaging platforms that work well in our personal lives may not be appropriate in a business context. Business communication platforms must have an appropriate security wrapper around them and the firm needs to be able to manage these communications platforms centrally.
These requirements have driven the development of business focused instant messaging apps such as Slack.
As instant messaging has started to become more popular, businesses face a new security risk that must be managed. For many firms, the solution is to implement an enterprise messaging system or app. In addition, businesses need to invest in appropriate training for staff so that they use messaging apps in a way that is secure.
Text messaging can still be highly effective. Using this method does require some knowledge of the best practice rules. As messages gets briefer we need to make sure that what we say cannot be easily misunderstood or even appear rude to the reader.
If you are not clear on what these are, the ‘Get it done Guy’ has released a useful article on the use of abbreviations within text messaging to make sure the tone is right. You can find the article by following the link
The next Accelerator club, whilst not looking specifically at communication will be discussing the ways accounting systems can be tweaked to give you the right message as to how your business in running a sort of ‘fit bit’ for business.
Look forward to seeing you if you can make it!