This was a popular phrase in the dim and distant past. Many an advisor would be telling their listeners to wake up and see the changes coming, be ready to grab the opportunities that are just around the corner.
This morning on BBC Radio 5 Lives Wake up to Money program, Margot James MP made the point a lot of small business owners don’t use technology to its full potential. She identified those in their 40’s and 50’s as being disadvantaged because they went through school during the pre-high tech era so are not so comfortable with what is available now..
The writer of this blog falls into that category, apart from feeling got at as being old, (am sure was not her intention) I admit I still have my slide rule (then state of the art technology) with its hard plastic case (most useful for mock jousting in the bus queue). However I am a big user of current technology, but agree it’s easier sometimes to do what we have always done, rather than spend precious time getting to grips with something new. Particularly if the benefits are not obvious immediately.
However the following article points out that there are big changes coming. Could 5G and its brilliant connectivity really bring about a revolution?
For the small business owner, keeping up with changes in technology is very important. The use of apps is likely to increase hugely. Now more than ever we need to keep working and learning so we indeed smell the coffee. Joining the Accelerator Club is very much a part of our business learning strategy. For more details get in touch. In the meantime do enjoy some refreshment, coffee, green tea, filtered water or whatever!
From Flipboard:
This Technology Is About to Change the World–But No One Is Talking About It |